Public Home Page

Members Home Page - Under Development

Wilson and Collateral Family Indices

The First Generation in America - Alexander Wilson and Jane Armour

PDF of Descendants of Alexander Wilson and Jane Armour

Ancestors of Alexander Wilson

PDF of Ancestors of Alexander Wilson

Where are They Buried?

Collateral Families

PDF of Data on the Descendants of Alexander Wilson and Jane Armour

Descendants of Alexander Wilson and Jane Armour, PDF file, created 1 Sep 2010

Although this website provides the most complete information we presently have on the Wilson family, it is not in a format that is easily transportable or that can be viewed as a whole. To remedy that, we had intended to provide a PDF file that contains all of the information we have as of the date the file was created. However, we quickly learned that there are search bots out there prowling the internet for, and appropriating, PDF files. Consequently, we have decided not to use any pdf files on this site. Because this file has already been appropriated, we are leaving it up

If you are a Wilson Family member and want more complete and up-to-date information in a more transportable format, please let us know what you would like. We will endeavor to tailor a PDF file for your needs, and will email it to you.