Wilson Family Genealogy
Generation 5:
Janette Henning Farnsworth and Elmer E Smith
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Janette Henning Farnsworth-5 (Mary Viola "Mate" Wilson-4, Stephen Melvin Wilson-3, Alexander Wilson Jr-2, Alexander Wilson and Jane Armour-1) was born on 9 Jul 1874 in USA, NY, Niagara County. She died at the age of 28 years on 9 May 1903 in USA, NY, Niagara, Lockport. It is not presently known where she is buried. Her name may have been spelled Jennette. |
Additional Information about Janette Henning Farnsworth
Elmer E Smith was born in May 1862 in USA, NY. It is not presently known when or where he died, or where he is buried.
Additional Information about Elmer E Smith
Janette Henning Farnsworth and Elmer E Smith were married on 1 Jul 1896. They had the following child: