Where are They Buried?
Index to Cemeteries in Which Wilson and Collateral Family Members are Buried by Cemetery Name
- Paola Cemetery, USA, KS, Miami, Paola
- Paradise Cemetery, USA, MO, Jasper, Jasper
- Park Cemetery, USA, MO, Jasper, Carthage
- Park View Cemetery, USA, NY, Schenectady, Schenectady
- Pawnee City Cemetery, USA, NE, Pawnee, Pawnee City
- Pine Hill Cemetery, USA, FL, Pasco, New Port Richey
- Pine Lake Cemetery,
USA, MI, Oakland, West Bloomfield
- Pleasant Hill Cemetery, USA, IA, Cherokee, Aurelia
- Pleasant Valley Cemetery,
USA, MI, Kalamazoo, Prairie Ronde
- Portales Cemetery, USA, NM, Roosevelt, Portales
- Prospect Hill Cemetery,
USA, MI, Cass, Cassopolis
- Prospect Hill Cemetery, USA, NY, Delaware, Sidney
- Prospect Lawn Cemetery, USA, NY, Erie, Hamburg
- Provo City Cemetery, USA, UT, Utah, Provo
Please choose the first letter of the name of the next cemetery you would like to visit.