Where are They Buried?
Index to Wilson Family Members for Whom We Lack Burial Information
Please choose the first letter of the surname of the Wilson Family Member you wish to find.
- Alexander, Esther Marie (Luff)
- Allen, Elizabeth L
- Andrews, Marjorie E (Rebasz) (Laurie)
- Armour, Jane
- Arrasmith, Della
- Arrasmith, Florence Marie
- Avery, Marian L (Sanders)
- Ayers, Lois Viola
- Bailey, Chester Arthur
- Bailey, Clara
- Bailey, Dorothy Rose
- Bailey, Edwin Cyrenius
- Bailey, Emma J
- Bailey, Hattie M
- Bailey, Jennie M (Rose)
- Bailey, Nancy Jane "Jennie"
- Bailey, Oliver Cyrenius
- Bailey, Ruth
- Baker, Cora Belle
- Baker, Lois Rosetta
- Baker, Mildred Louise
- Baker, Pauline (Gaunt)
- Baker, Seeley Alfred
- Baker, Sidney Neal
- Ballinger, L Golda "Goldie"
- Bauman/Bowman, George W
- Beatty, Zillah
- Beeler, Minnie Edith (Jenkins)
- Benedict, Sarah
- Bereman, Mabel Adeline
- Bickle, Richard Irvin
- Bishop, Mabel A
- Bivvins, DeWitt Clinton
- Bivvins, Ella Frances
- Bivvins, Florence Anna (Bradley)
- Bivvins, Lillian L
- Bivvins, Mary (Miller)
- Bivvins, Salinda Eleanor (Mathews)
- Black, Ann Wilda (Cook)
- Blackburn, Casper Kimberlin
- Blackburn, George H
- Blackburn, Helen Young (Hughes)
- Blanchard, Betty Jane (Rebasz)
- Blanchard, Donald Haines
- Boots, Betty (Nelson)
- Bradley, Catherine
- Bradley, Elmer L
- Bradley, Fanny Evelyn
- Bradley, Florence Anne
- Bradley, Gladys L
- Bradley, Lila Adele
- Braman, Floyd C
- Braman, Jeanette E
- Bratt, Verna A
- Bridal, John Henry
- Brink, Helen Frances
- Britt, Helen Catherine
- Brown, Davitt William
- Brown, Douglas Howard
- Brown, Emmet Michael
- Brownell, Anna C (Schwartz)
- Brownell, Fredrick John
- Brownell, Harriet G (Morey)
- Brownell, John L
- Brownell, John Morey
- Buffington, Albert B
- Buffington, Christopher B
- Buffington, Dorothy Lee (Rebasz)
- Burroughs, Anne Lois
- Campbell, George Howard
- Campbell, Howard
- Carroll, Hubert Willard
- Carroll, Jeanette E Braman
- Carroll, Jeanette E Wilson
- Carter, Wildred Irene
- Case, Adalee May (Wilson)
- Case, Dell
- Chamberlain, Allen A
- Chamberlain, Alvinsa
- Chamberlain, Annabelle "Belle" (Kirby)
- Chamberlain, Catherine (Williams)
- Chamberlain, Charlotte F "Lottie" (Smalley)
- Chamberlain, Child
son of Francis James Chamberlain
- Chamberlain, Clarence B
- Chamberlain, Cora B
- Chamberlain, Cynthia M
- Chamberlain, Earl Eacrett
- Chamberlain, Edwin A
son of William Alfred Chamberlain
- Chamberlain, Edwin C
son of Clarence B Chamberlain; grandson of Edwin A Chamberlain
- Chamberlain, Ella F (Weeks)
- Chamberlain, Ellen Aurelia "Nellie" (Wilson)
- Chamberlain, Evangeline
- Chamberlain, Florence H
- Chamberlain, Frances Laura (Humphries)
- Chamberlain, Frank
son of Alvinzie Hunt Chamberlain
- Chamberlain, Frederick
- Chamberlain, Lewis P
- Chamberlain, John Coddington
- Chamberlain, John "Ross"
- Chamberlain, Josephine
- Chamberlain, Mabel A (Bishop)
- Chamberlain, Marvin Howard "MH"
- Chamberlain, Mary
daughter of Francis James Chamberlain
- Chamberlain, Mary Jane
wife of Earl Eacrett Chamberlain
- Chamberlain, Merrill B
- Chamberlain, Pauline D
- Chamberlain, Rosa Catherine "Rosy" (Hambach/Hambsch)
- Chamberlain, Roseva G
- Chamberlain, Thelma Helen
- Chamberlain, Verna A (Bratt)
- Chapman (Darling)
wife of Seneca "Fay" Chapman
- Chapman, Alfretta Jane
- Chapman, Antoinette "Ann" (Ricco)
- Chapman, Bessie (Dockstader)
- Chapman, Charlotte Arvilla (Wilson)
- Chapman, Charlotte Elizabeth
- Chapman, Child 4
child of Josiah B "Si" Chapman
- Chapman, Dale Beeby
- Chapman, Daughter
daughter of James "Douglas" Chapman
- Chapman, Harriet
- Chapman, Horace George
- Chapman, Howard S
- Chapman, Hugh Douglas "Doug"
son of Stephen "Lee" Chapman
- Chapman, Hugh H
- Chapman, Josiah B Jr
- Chapman, Josiah "Victor"
- Chapman, Lucy Faye
- Chapman, Marie (Shelton/Sheldon)
- Chapman, Michael Eugene
- Chapman, Milton Davis
- Chapman, Nona Gray (Davis)
- Chapman, Sarah Jane "Jennie" (Parker)
- Chapman, Son
son of James Henry Chapman
- Chase/Chace, Hugh Burl
- Chase/Chace, Martha Lillian (Wilson)
- Christensen, Robert Fred
- Clark, Gladys Ruth "Tince" (Wilson)
- Clark, Horace "Norman"
- Coates, Arlene Elizabeth (Wilson)
- Coates, Millard Wetherald
- Colburn, Dorothy Rose (Bailey)
- Colburn, Victor Theron
- Colby, Minnie
- Cook, Ann Wilda
- Coral, Beulah
- Cottrell, Florence H (Chamberlain))
- Cottrell, George William
- Crampton, Caroline E "Carrie"
- Culp, Lucy Faye (Chapman)
- Culp, William M
- Davis, Albert Henry
- Davis, Alexander Pawling
- Davis, Andrew Jackson
- Davis, Anna (Hansen)
- Davis, David Herman
- Davis, George David
- Davis, Jane Eliza
- Davis, Jennie June
- Davis, Mary Jane
- Davis, Minnie Belle
- Davis, Nannie (Roseann?) (McClanahan)
- Davis, Nona Gray
- Davis, Richard C
- Davis, Sarah Ann "Sally" (Kellogg)
- Davis, Susan Elisa (Pawling)
- Davis, William Henry
- Davis, William James
- Davis, Wyman P
- Day, Margaret "Peggy"
- Depiso, Cindy (Taylor)
- Dickey, Clyde Reid
- Dickey, Harriet (Chapman)
- Dockstader, Bessie
- Donofrio, Alfretta Jane (Chapman)
- Dupont, Vivian
- Earl, Larry
- Everett, Florence "Helen" (Phillips)
- Failing, Evelyn
- Farnsworth, Caroline E "Carrie" (Crampton)
- Farnsworth, Delores Eleanor
- Farnsworth, Frank
- Farnsworth, Irene (Holly)
- Farnsworth, Janette Henning
- Farnsworth, Leo Francis
- Farnsworth, Mary Eleanor
- Flinders, Allie T
- Flinders, Edward Pauling
- Flinders, Horace Henry
- Flinders, Jessie Anna
- Flinders, Lanny
- Flinders, Mabel Adeline (Bereman)
- Flinders, Orlow Bailey
- Flinders, Virginia Lorraine (Linger)
- Flinders, Wildred Irene (Carter)
- Foulk, Floyd Orlando
- Foulk, Pauline D (Chamberlain)
- Freeman, Fred Edwin
- Freeman, Lois Rosetta (Baker)
- Furgason, Helen Emma
- Furgason, Howard Cyrenius
- Furlong, Laura Patricia (Zanchet)
- Furlong, Thomas William
- Gale, Becky Lynn
- Gale, Calvin Keith
- Gale, David Duane
- Gale, Douglas Keith
- Gale, Laura Jeannine
- Gale, Vada J
- Garrison, Charles F
- Gaunt, Pauline
- Godwin, Douglas "Stanley"
- Goodenough, June Violet
- Gorman, Eunice R (Wilson)
- Gorman, Helen Katherine
- Gorman, Ralph
- Green, Stanley Hartwell
- Greer, Cris
- Hackenberg, Maynard L
- Hackenberg, Son
- Hackett, Carol Aleene (Wilson)
- Hackett, Walter W
- Hackney, Stuart Wilson
- Hackney, Samuel G Jr
- Hagadorn, Sarah Ann "Sallie"
- Hall, Mildred Louise (Baker)
- Hambach/Hambsch, Rosa Catherine "Rosy"
- Hansen, Anna
- Harger, Daughter
daughter of Stephen "Wilson" Harger
- Harger, Son
son of Stephen "Wilson" Harger
- Harrod, Edward Leon
- Harrod, June Violet (Goodenough)
- Havens, Bernice
- Heim, Carl Edmund
- Heim, Harriet M (Wilson)
- Herbert, Kimberly Ann
- Herman, Betty Jane/Jean (Wilson)
- Herman, Raymond Erwin
- Hill, Dwight Allin
- Hill, Helen Frances (Brink)
- Hill, Josephine (Lucas)
- Hill, Kathrine C (Mudey)
- Hill, Kenneth Martin
- Hill, Lois Viola (Ayers)
- Holly, Irene
- Holmgren, Semma/Semmy Marie
- Horton, Elizabeth Mary "Betty"
perhaps, Corwin Cemetery, USA, NY, Niagara, Newfane
- Houston, Sons 1 and 2
- Howard, Cora Belle (Baker)
- Howard, Perry Jefferson
- Hoyt, John H
- Hughes, Carol
- Hughes, Della C (Young)
- Hughes, George Thomas
- Hughes, Helen Young
- Hughes, Reece Elwood
- Humphries, Frances Laura
- Hunt, Minnie Belle (Davis)
- Hunt, Samuel
- Hyde, Anneliese (Ludwig)
- Hyde, Claude S
- Hyde, Claude Wilson
- Hyde, Harriet M (Wilson) (Heim)
- Jenkins, Anna (Kilgore)
- Jenkins, Eleanor M "Ellen" (Shader)
- Jenkins, Margaret Isabella (Lamont)
- Jenkins, Minnie Edith
- Jenkins, Nora May
- Johnson, Rachel Randall
- Jones, Carol (Hughes)
- Kellogg, Amanda (Morey)
- Kellogg, Catherine (Bradley)
- Kellogg, Ann Maria
- Kellogg, Caroline Maria
- Kellogg, Donald Bradley
- Kellogg, Edythe M (Poole)
- Kellogg, Frank Pawling
- Kellogg, Frederick Benedict
son of Stephen Osborn Kellogg
- Kellogg, Frederick J
son of Amanda (Morey) Kellogg
- Kellogg, Harriet Louisa
- Kellogg, Josiah
- Kellogg, Sarah
wife of Frank Pawling Kellogg
- Kellogg, Sarah (Benedict)
wife of Stephen Osborn Kellogg
- Kellogg, Sarah Ann "Sally"
wife of William James Davis
- Kellogg, Sheila A (Miller) (Parker)
- Kellogg, Stephen Osborn
- Kellogg, William Bradley
son of William Morey Kellogg
- Kellogg, William Morey
son of Amanda (Morey) Kellogg
- Kellogg, William Poole
son of William Bradley Kellogg
- Kilgore, Anna
- Kingston, Jessie Anna
- Kingston, Joseph Terry
- Kinzly, Anne Lois (Burroughs)
- Kinzly, Charles Farnsworth
- Kinzly, Martha Elaine
- Kinzly, Ruth Eleanor
- Kirby, Annabelle "Belle"
- Knapp, Rachel Randall (Johnson) (Pawling)
- Knights, Lois S
- Kounin, Dorothy "June" (Wilson) (Nemecek)
- Kounin, Jacob S
- Lamon, Alexander G
- Lamon, Roseva G (Chamberlain)
- Lamont, Margaret Isabella
- Laurie, Marjorie E (Rebasz)
- Laurie, Walter Brooks
- LaVan, Barbara Wilson
- LaVan, Hazel Ruth (Wilson)
- LaVan, Robert Lorenzo Jr
- LeFurgy, Raymond Dee
- Linger, Virginia Lorraine
- Livingston, Allen G
- Livingston, Carol Jean (Montgomery)
- Livingston, Yvette
- Lloyd, Ann
- Loewenthal, Nora May (Jenkins)
- Loewenthal, Oscar
with Alice Lucinda Jenkins
- Loewenthal, Oscar
- Lucas, Josephine
- Ludwig, Anneliese
- Luff, Esther Marie
- Luff, Lloyd George
- Mathews, Salinda Eleanor
- McClanahan, Nannie (Roseann?)
- McConnell, Mary Blanche
- McDonald, Florence Marie (Arrasmith)
- McDonald, John
- Mead, Ann
- Mead, Dorothy Christine
- Messick, Frances May "Fanny" (Wilson)
- Messick, Wilmer
- Migda, Leo
- Miller, Mary
- Miller, Sheila A
- Miller, Son
- Mitchell, John David "Jack"
- Moffit, Jane (Armour) (Wilson)
- Mohler, Arnold Herman
- Montgomery, Carol Jean
- Montgomery, Mary Lee
- Morey, Amanda
- Morey, Annabel "Bell" (Rice)
- Morey, Constance
- Morey, Edna Irene
- Morey, Gertrude Louise (Stearns)
- Morey, Harriet G
- Morey, Helen
- Morey, Jeannette M
- Morey, Jesse Thompson
- Morey, Jessie Amanda
- Morey, John Ross
- Morey, Lois S (Knights)
- Morey, Muriel
- Morey, Pawling Alexander
- Morey, Phineas Justus/James
- Morey, Ruth E
- Morey, Sarah Ann "Sallie" (Hagadorn)
- Morey, Semma/Semmy Marie (Holmgren)
- Mudey, Katherine C
- Murray, Scott Douglas
- Nelson, Betty
- Nelson, Blanche Emily (Phillips)
- Nelson, Carol Jean
- Nelson, Harvey L
- Nelson, Laura A (Wilson)
- Nelson, Lawrence A
- Nelson, Nels
- Nelson, Neva E (Tice)
- Nelson, Robert J
- Nemecek, Charles F
- Nemecek, Dorothy "June" (Wilson)
- Netting, Elizabeth H
- O'Neal, Carol Jean (Nelson)
- O'Neal, Donald Marven Jr
- Olmstead, Beverly Joan
- Pappas, Cora Belle (Baker)
- Parker, Sarah Jane "Jennie"
- Parker, Sheila A (Miller)
- Pawling, Helena Burhans
- Pawling, Levi
son of Jane (Wilson) Pawling
- Pawling, Rachel Jane
- Pawling, Rachel Randall (Johnson)
- Pawling, Susan Elisa
- Phillips, Blanche Emily
- Phillips, Florence "Helen"
- Phillips, Lynn Wesley
- Phillips, Maxwell T "Micky"
- Pies, Louis J
- Polston, Charles Roy
- Polston, Howard D
- Polston, James Kelley
- Polston, Mary Blanche (McConnell)
- Poole, Edythe M
- Randall, Garnet Wilhelmina (Wilson)
- Randall, Horace L
- Rawson, Wayne
- Rebasz, Betty Jane
- Rebasz, Charles Poole
- Rebasz, Dorothy Lee
- Rebasz, Marjorie E
- Reed, Helen Katherine (Gorman)
- Renkert, Barbara Wilson (LaVan)
- Renkert, Donald Henry
- Ricco, Antoinette "Ann"
- Rice, Annabel "Bell"
- Ritner, Elmer J
- Ritner, Helen Emma (Furgason)
- Rose, Jennie M
- Rudisill, Lucille
- Ruggles, Ella Frances (Bivvins)
- Ruggles, Joseph Henry
- Sandberg, Laura E
- Sanders, Marian L
- Sattler, Marjorie Augusta
- Savage, Mary Eleanor (Farnsworth)
- Schwartz, Anna C
- Shader, Eleanor M "Ellen"
- Shader, John E
- Shader, Lucinda
- Shader, Rachel Jane (Pawling)
- Shelton/Sheldon, Marie
- Smalley, Charlotte F "Lottie"
- Smith, Cora B (Chamberlain)
- Smith, Elmer E
- Smith, Helen
- Smith, Janette Henning (Farnsworth)
- Smith, Percy "Grant"
- Spear, Vesta Marie
- Sprague, Phoebe Annice
- Stanley, Lovicey C "Vicey"
- Stearns, Gertrude Louise
- Steers, Andrew
- Steers, Lela E (Wilson)
- Sturgeon, Jane Eliza (Davis)
- Sturgeon, John D
- Sturtevant, Eleanor M "Ellen" (Shader) (Jenkins)
- Sturtevant, J C
- Swensen, Dorothy Christine (Mead)
- Swensen, Hilding Albert
- Tarr, Jessie Amanda (Morey)
- Taylor, Cindy
- Taylor, Elizabeth L (Allen)
- Taylor, Fanny Evelyn (Bradley)
- Taylor, Helen Catherine (Britt)
- Taylor, Lewis Bronson
- Taylor, Marjorie Augusta (Sattler)
- Taylor, Walter Bronson
- Tice, Neva E
- Vittori, Carol Jeanne (Wilson)
- Vittori, Eno Arthur
- Voelker, Larry Harold
- Voorheis, Elizabeth H (Netting)
- Voorheis, Elmer M
- Voorheis, Isaac
- Voorheis, Lewis Steven
- Voorheis, Lovicey C "Vicey" (Stanley)
- Weeks, Ella F
- Westervelt, Frederick Dayton
- Williams, Catherine
- Williams, William
- Wilson, Adalee Mae
- Wilson, Ann (Lloyd)
- Wilson, Arlene Elizabeth
- Wilson, Beatrice Eleanor
- Wilson, Bernice Hardy
- Wilson, Betty Jane/Jean
- Wilson, Beulah (Coral)
- Wilson, Beverly Joan (Olmsted)
- Wilson, Carol Aleene
daughter of William Denzel "Peter Jack" Wilson
- Wilson, Carol Jeanne
daughter of Harold Seymour Wilson
- Wilson, Charles Porter
- Wilson, Charlotte Arvilla
- Wilson, Child
- Wilson, Claude
- Wilson, Claude Andrew
son of Walter Sinsel Wilson
- Wilson, Cris (Greer)
- Wilson, Della (Arrasmith)
- Wilson, Dorothy
wife of Marvin Eugene/Jean Wilson
- Wilson, Dorothy "June"
daughter of Samuel "Ellis" Wilson
- Wilson, Earl Frederick "Steve"
- Wilson, Elizabeth Mary "Betty" (Horton)
perhaps, Corwin Cemetery, USA, NY, Niagara, Newfane
- Wilson, Ellen Aurelia "Nellie"
- Wilson, Esther Grace
- Wilson, Eunice R (Gorman)
- Wilson, Evelyn (Failing)
- Wilson, Florence "Flossie"
- Wilson, Frances May "Fanny"
- Wilson, Frank Oliver
- Wilson, Frederick V
- Wilson, Garnet Wilhelmina
- Wilson, Gladys Ruth "Tince"
- Wilson, Glynn Paul
- Wilson, Harold Seymour
- Wilson, Harriet M
- Wilson, Harold
- Wilson, Harold Seymour
son of Charles Alexander "Chick" Wilson
- Wilson, Harry H
son of Stephen Melvin Wilson
- Wilson, Hazel Ruth
- Wilson, Hunter Marion
- Wilson, Jane (Armour)
- Wilson, Jeanette E
- Wilson, John "Glenn"
- Wilson, L Golda "Goldie" (Olinger)
- Wilson, Laura A
daughter of Allen D Wilson
- Wilson, Laura E (Sandberg)
wife of Lester Adam Wilson
- Wilson, Lela E
- Wilson, Leroy
- Wilson, Lester Adam
- Wilson, Lilah B
- Wilson, Louise
- Wilson, Lucille (Rudisill)
- Wilson, Margaret "Peggy" (Day)
- Wilson, Martha Lillian
- Wilson, Marvin Eugene/Jean
- Wilson, Mary Lee (Montgomery))
- Wilson, Minnie (Colby)
- Wilson, Neita
- Wilson, Raymond W
- Wilson, Richard B
- Wilson, Robert E
- Wilson, Ruth Marie
- Wilson, Sally Ann
- Wilson, Samuel "Ellis"
- Wilson, Sarah E
- Wilson, Stanley Mainard
- Wilson, Vivian (Dupont)
- Wilson, Zillah (Beatty)
- York, Charlotte Elizabeth (Chapman)
- York, Gordon G
- Young, Helena
- Young, Helena Burhans (Pawling)
- Young, Albert Pawling
- Young, Andrew W
- Young, David W
- Young, Della C
- Young, Phoebe Annice (Sprague)
- Young, Vesta Marie (Spear)
- Young, Winthrop
- Zanchet, Laura Patricia