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Tue 1 Nov 1921

Mary's Journal Entry

hotter rags &c

Card Sent Home

Dear children

Now for the questions How & what become of Dora’s baby? i Did Lubs [Lutes] ii find their car you said Hannah iii had gone to Buffalo to see about it. How is poor Sadie iv & where is Charly v & W. Dean. vi How is Wilfred vii Do you see Mary D- & family viii often remember she is very lonesome. How is Helen & boy ix hope they can raise him they certainly do have bad luck. What is John Small’s x address & how are they. Do you hear anything from Mary Garrity. xi How were the Dahlias & Gladdios also the Mums, celery, raddishes, pickles & all other garden stuff Has Allie Capen xii located & have they children to go to school. Is John Ness. xiii in their new house. is Sarah Bobzien xiv married yet. or John. xv that would be some news. How is Fred Dean & family xvi do the kids xvii bother you as much. Tell Mary to bake me a cake & when she eats it to think of us. Have you payed our share of salary. How does Dunston xviii get along with his “Ford”. How is grandma C- xix & Edith & family xx also all the rest of relatives & friends. Hope “S.Ball” xxi has returned. did you get the tulip bulbs all set. Did Will Ortt xxii give us some. oh there is so much I think & would like to know about. leave the screen porches up but if they could be painted would be good for them. good job for uncle Will xxiii (if he don’t get the paint all over the porches) I have good news Dr. just here said “not guilty” (sugar “free”) thats the first test on table 3 he wants to keep me on that a day or two yet. pa has just gone to store to get mutton for broth (kinder sloppy) but I am feeling pretty good this morn. best since on diet (strict) pa’s boil is gaining (smaller) & he feels better. we have not called on Baker’s xxiv yet. will soon. I have been so dizzy & wobbly I did not like to get around much. I am wondering if you get all our letters & cards I write nearly every morn. have not missed more than one day since we have been here. but none has come back as yet. Harry xxv just said Bill xxvi was about decided to buy a lot out at Hollywood (I don’t know where) & put up a garage to live in & an office & go in the real estate business if he does pa wants to do what he can to help him. Steve & P- xxvii just went in the air when we talk of rooming some where else. three Eunice & the two Helen’s xxviii sleep together & P- said if they were too crowded they would get a cot from Leon’s xxix & put it right in Eunice’s room. so they had it all planned before we came, so I expect home will be here in Cal. only when we are out. Pa answered you about the lights in barn yesterday he has always fussed about the house & said if it should burn it would be a question of whether we got insurance or not as W- xxx did not do as he promised. xxxi pa just read the letter or part of this letter what I said about the screen porches & he says better number them & take them down says the W’s- xxxii can do it in a couple of hours * the screen will last that much longer & they wont rust out. so you see we can’t think just alike in Calif. no more then N.Y. this is another hot day in the sun I stay in the house in shade. P- is doing a little wash. napkins, hand. babes little socks & small pieces she don’t like to send to Laundry. they make us feel perfectly at home it worrys P- more to have me (starve (she says) on diet than it does me. she has a great time with little Helen she plays with Betty next door & when she hears her call she crawls under the bed & wont come. she has been spanked twice & grandma says she will get it every time she does it she must come when she is called (Eunice tells her to spank untill she quits) P- has all kinds of patients teases her to come or she must spank but it done no good yes. it hurts P- more than H- now I will ring off. Hope you are all well.

Love to all. Ma & Pa

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